It is not easy for the founder of MUN Prague to come to a conference carrying their vision and not actually being in charge of it. But on the other hand, it must be truly satisfying to see the vision and mission of Model UN being further developed and carryed on by all members of the organizing team. Silvia Bobeková, the founder of MUN club in Prague, has written a blog about her point of view from the last day of PragueMUN 2013.
The morning of the last day started in Valentine’s mood. Yesterday, delegates could send Valentine‘s cards to other distinguished delegates in order to recognize the time of the year, when love is all around us. Full of expectation, not only for the Valentine‘s cards but also for the final day the negotiation, the debate in Economic and Social Council had started. This is one of the biggest committees of this conference, chaired by a student of University of Economics Šimon Kolář and an Australian student Carter Sullivan.
Taking into account the fact that the committee had yesterday in the evening passed the resolution on the topic "Promoting Economic Development in Occupied Palestinian Territories", the work hadn’ t stopped yet. The delegates being continuously motivated by chairs (managers of the debate) started debating the next topic ofthe agenda called “Reducing the Debt Vulnerability of Developing Nations.”
If you just today stepped into the room, you would say the atmosphere is really relaxed and enjoyable. I have to assure you, it is not because they have already passed the resolution. Spending a lot of time in this committee as an observer, I have to say the atmosphere was like this the whole time. Delegates tried their best in finding the solution to the discussed issue and in return they have found the support from their chairs in case they had questions about the procedures used in United Nations.
Ways how chairs (managers of the committee) teach delegates the proper use of Rules and Procedures of MUN conference are different. Some prefer discipline and expect no mistake, what we could see here in the Security Council. Others, having conference first timers find funny and more challenging ways to teach them. I, as a president and chair of ECOSOC committee last year, find this approach very useful. It brings added value to the negotiation and builds team spirit.
New rules might help the newcomers
During PragueMUN 2013, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) decided to adopt their own additional ways how to help their delegates remembering the rules. For example, one of the common mistakes during Model UN conference is using „I“ in a speech. „I think“ or „I want“ is purely unacceptable in the diplomatic world. Delegate should always refer to himself as „we want“ or „ France decided“, because he is just representing the ideas of the state, not ideas on his own.
New rule in UNODC stated that if a delegate uses „I“ in a speech, he or she must drink additional shot of alcohol with chairs in the evening. According to chairs of the committee, Lucas Kornexl and Philipp Rennigen , the ratio of using „I“ in a speech decreased to almost zero. The delegates in this committee have the honour to enjoy also additional awards like „Most likely to be a dictator“ or „ Sexiest delegate “ and others. During the last voting procedure based on the rules of United Nations the delegates will decide the winners.
Nevertheless, presence of these additional „fun things“ haven‘ t stopped them from being productive and solve discussed problems. Yesterday in the afternoon the first topic was closed with one passed resolution. Today right before lunch the committee had two working papers (the resolution before it is introduced to the committe as a draft resolution, on which they later vote in order to become a resolution). This committee is a great example how a good working environment encourages hard work.
PragueMUN like every conference, even the biggest like NMUN in New York have their flaws and points to be improved in the upcoming years. Therefore I truly believe that the next year a president and his/hers team will continue in the tradition of PragueMUN and bring the new improved version to students from all around the world.
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